Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stop German Shepherd Biting Today

It can become a huge annoyance when you German Shepherd is continually biting people and showing signs of aggression. It's trying to display it's dominance and this type of behavior should never be tolerated.

Don't allow to continue! If left, it will cause havoc down the road later.

Most German Shepherds are very smart and very dominant. They want to be the alpha in the house and if you allow it. You'll have one disobedient dog.

Luckily most dog biting problems can be fixed with help from experts like this training manual designed especially for dog biting, take a look here:

Stop German Shepherd Biting.

Once you realize the power and loyalty of this breed and you stop them from growling, biting and nipping. You will have a much friendlier relationship with each other and your dog will know who runs the house.

Stop Your German Shepherd Biting

How to Get Dogs to Stop Barking

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Are you sick and tired of hearing your dog bark 24/7 ? Well, trust me your not alone. Follow these simple steps and you'll soon to have a much more peaceful household and dog.


  1. The first thing you should do is teach your dog to bark on command. When ever you here your dog bark say "Speak" or the word of your choice. Give your dog a reward and lots of love. I know it seems as if we are going in the opposite direction, but it will help a whole lot in the long run.
  2. Once your dog has mastered the "Speak" command, teach your dog the quite command. Tell your dog to speak and immediately after your dog stops barking, tell him "Quiet" or what ever word you would like to signify "stop barking" and then give a reward. Repeat this a few times each day and your dog will get the idea of what "Quiet" means.
  3. Now that your dog knows the "Quiet" command, with just one word you'll have a much calmer surrounding ! After all, you should be the boss of the dog, and remind him when peace is needed.


  • Try finding out why your dog is barking. He may be telling you that he needs to go the bathroom. If so, hang a bell by the door and teach him to ring the bell when he needs to go.

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get Dogs to Stop Barking. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.